
  • Category: Computer-VISION Application
  • Project date: 05 March, 2022
  • Technology: Python/Flask/OpenCv/Mediapipe/numpy
  • Project URL: Download
  • Project Pyhton-Package: pip install -i Air-Dribble-SHRIYANSH-GAUR==0.0.1

A Desktop Native Application built using pyhton

It predicts the meaning of facial Expressions of a person/s and infers whether he/she is smiling or not using Machine-learning!
This can be integrated in softwares to predict and improve mental-health status amoung teenagers, constant Sad Expressions could be then infreerd as Depression and anxiety.
The app requires minimum 2GB RAM as the it created tensorflow-lite delegate on system while running.
Easily installable package listed as pyhton-package that can be installed using pip commands. Also a zip file is provided along with written set of instructions for installation.